LOPEC videos, photos and logos

See for yourself: Our video and photo gallery features a selection of striking impressions from LOPEC.

Impressions LOPEC 2024—March 7

© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH

Impressions LOPEC 2024—March 6

© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH

Impressions LOPEC Conference 2024—March 5

© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH

Videos: The LOPEC world in motion

Catch a glimpse of the LOPEC experience: Our videos will give you exciting insights into the world of LOPEC. They offer a brief explanation of printed electronics.

Highlights LOPEC

What do you particularly like about LOPEC?

How would you descripe LOPEC to your colleagues and friends?

Flexible and printed electronics in the mobility sector

LOPEC Conference

Discover Start-ups in the field of flexible and printed electronics

Flexible and printed electronics in living and health care

Highlights LOPEC
What do you particularly like about LOPEC?
How would you descripe LOPEC to your colleagues and friends?
Flexible and printed electronics in the mobility sector
LOPEC Conference
Discover Start-ups in the field of flexible and printed electronics
Flexible and printed electronics in living and health care

Printed electronics—what is it actually?

What is printed electronics? The animated video of LOPEC explains it to you in 1 Minute!

What is printed electronics? Our animated cartoon explains how it works and what its application sectors are in simple, clear-cut terms. Enjoy!

Printed electronics in the automotive and aviation industries

Printed electronics applications are already gaining ground in the automotive and aviation industries. For example, first aircrafts have been equipped with electrochromic windows on board. Their translucency can be adjusted from transparent to jet-black right from the passenger's seat to suit their requirements. This also eliminates the need for blinds which saves weight—a major factor in aviation. Auto-dimming rearview mirrors in cars provide more safety in the dark. The voltage signal required for the dimming is triggered by a sensor which measures the brightness in front of and behind the mirror. If the difference is too big, the system generates a voltage signal – the mirror dims automatically. Would you like to find out more? We have summarized the highlights from the area of mobility in a short explanatory video!

Printed electronics in wearables

This means printed electronics in the Smart Living segment

What is printed electronics? The animated video of LOPEC explains it to you in 1 Minute!
Printed electronics in the automotive and aviation industries
Printed electronics in wearables
This means printed electronics in the Smart Living segment