Prices for stand space only

Net prices by area for LOPEC 2026

The following prices are participation fees for stand space only per square meter of exhibition space. They do not include designing, planning or building your stand or setup and dismantling, which you must take care of on your own. The minimum stand size in the hall is 9 m². All prices on this page are subject to value-added tax.


White arrow pointing upwards on a gray background, the upper edge is orange.
Row stand

Row stand: 1 side open

EUR 386/m²

Gray rectangle with orange border and two white arrows, one pointing up and the other to the right. The right and top edges are orange.
Corner stand

Corner stand: 2 sides open

EUR 421/m²

Gray background with a T-shaped white arrow pointing left, right and up. Except for the bottom, the border is orange.
End stand

End stand: 3 sides open

EUR 433/m²

White four-way arrows on a gray background, surrounded by an orange border.
Island stand

Island stand: 4 sides open

EUR 445/m²

Exhibitors who are members of the OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association) at the time of invoicing will obtain an additional discount of 10 percent on the stand space (w/o structures).

Additional fees

Mandatory Communication Fee

There is a mandatory communication fee of EUR 940 for all exhibitors. The mandatory communication fee includes the basic entry in all exhibition directories including the LOPEC App. Furthermore, the mandatory communication fee includes the digital year-round online presence of your company profile in the business directory.

Co-exhibitor fee

However, a mandatory communication fee in the amount of EUR 940 will be levied for each co-exhibitor. The mandatory communication fee for each co-exhibitor includes the same services as for the main exhibitor.

Fixed waste-disposal fee

The mandatory, flat-rate waste disposal fee in the amount of EUR 3.80/m² is to cover the disposal of all waste generated at the exhibitor’s booth during setup and dismantling and throughout the duration of the trade fair.

Advance payment for exhibitor services

The advance payment for exhibitor services (“Advance payment,” cf. A 7) is EUR 20/m² of rented exhibition space. The difference will be refunded a few weeks after the event if the advance payment for services exceeds the actual cost of the services.

AUMA charge

The German Council of Trade Fairs and Exhibitions (AUMA) levies all exhibitors a charge of EUR 0.60/m² of rented exhibition space. This amount is charged by Messe München GmbH and transferred directly to AUMA.

Online vouchers

You will receive an unlimited number of online vouchers to invite your customers. The vouchers are included in the price of participation.

Become an exhibitor at LOPEC 2026

Secure your slice of success with your stand at the international Exhibition and Conference for Flexible, Organic and Printed Electronics.