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Accreditation & Press center

We would like to thank you for your interest in LOPEC and we look forward to seeing you at the trade fair and reading, seeing, or listening to your reports! It is best if you arrange your press accreditation directly online.

Online accreditation

With the online accreditation, you will receive your free press ticket by e-mail. Please have ready the documentation you will be using as proof that you are a journalist (PDF or JPG, max. 1 MB).

Please understand that it may take several days to check online accreditation. Accreditation is processed continuously during the trade fair.

Please note: Accreditation is granted solely for the purpose of journalistic reporting. Messe München therefore reserves the right to check proof of journalistic activity, even if a press card is presented.

Proof of your journalistic activity

You will need to provide evidence that you are a journalist when applying for accreditation online (by uploading) or at the venue (by showing a hard copy). Please also refer to the Messe München accreditation guidelines.

The following may be used as evidence:

  • A valid official press badge that must not have expired
  • An imprint from the past six months that proves your editorial contribution
  • An article from the past six months with your name in the byline
  • Picture credits for photographers

We would like to point out that the presentation of a press card is not the only basis for accreditation. Messe München reserves the right to request further proof of journalistic activity in accordance with the points stated in the accreditation guidelines.

Group of persons not entitled to accreditation

We cannot provide press accreditation to the following persons:

  • Persons without a journalistic background, e.g. account managers, sales managers, advertising managers, analysts, PR consultants, company press spokespersons, social media managers and private accompanying persons
  • Persons with expired press cards
  • Persons resident in Germany who present a foreign press card
  • Persons who present a written assignment from a freelance journalist
  • Persons who are only privately active on social networks
  • Persons who attend trade fairs solely for acquisition purposes for their own, radio, TV, image or online productions for which a fee is charged

Parking and press tickets

  • Press parking: Accredited journalists may park free of charge in the parking garage in the west of the site, the 'Parkhaus West'. Parking garage tickets can be exchanged for free exit tickets at the Exhibition Management Counter in the Entrance of ICM. In case you want to arrange your accreditation on site, please show your evidence referred to our accreditation guidelines.
  • Your press ticket does not entitle you to free use of the Munich public transport network (MVV).

The LOPEC Press Lounge

Your visit to the fair begins at the Press Lounge—the first place that journalists from around the world go. Everything that you need for your work is available there. Our team would be pleased to support you!

The LOPEC Press Lounge is located on the first level of the ICM.

Opening times:
Will be published here in the run-up to the fair.

A variety of services are available to you during the fair

  • Accreditation at the fair
  • Free WiFi throughout the trade-fair center
  • Press Lounge: with coffee, beverages and snacks

Do you have questions?

Symbol of a generic office building with several windows and a central entrance.
Messe München GmbH
  • Press center
Symbol of a generic office building with several windows and a central entrance.
Messe München GmbH
  • Accreditation