LOPEC videos, photos and logos

See for yourself and download LOPEC photos and logos here.


The photos are for editorial coverage of the fair and are free of charge. Please observe the Rights of Use of Messe München.

To the pictures


The photos are for editorial coverage of the fair and are free of charge. Please observe the Rights of Use of Messe München.

To the logos

Videos: The LOPEC world in motion

Catch a glimpse of the LOPEC experience: Our videos will give you exciting insights into the world of LOPEC. They offer a brief explanation of printed electronics.

Highlights LOPEC

What do you particularly like about LOPEC?

How would you descripe LOPEC to your colleagues and friends?

Flexible and printed electronics in the mobility sector

LOPEC Conference

Discover Start-ups in the field of flexible and printed electronics

Flexible and printed electronics in living and health care

Highlights LOPEC
What do you particularly like about LOPEC?
How would you descripe LOPEC to your colleagues and friends?
Flexible and printed electronics in the mobility sector
LOPEC Conference
Discover Start-ups in the field of flexible and printed electronics
Flexible and printed electronics in living and health care

Further footage material

Do you need professional footage as a rough cut or newscut with TC lists and info texts for your reporting? We will be happy to help you.