Opening hours of LOPEC

Here you can find an overview of the opening hours for the next edition of the LOPEC Conference and the LOPEC Exhibition.

Opening hours LOPEC 2026

As soon as the opening hours are set, they will be published here.

The LOPEC 2026 Conference will be held from February 24 to 26, 2026.
The LOPEC 2026 Exhibition will take place from February 25 to 26, 2026.

Venue: ICM—Internationales Congress Center München

Tipp: Sign up for LOPEC Visitor Information

Subscribe to our visitor information and be the first to know as soon as new details about the exhibition, the list of exhibitors and the conference are published!

LOPEC visitor hotline

Do you have questions regarding your trade-fair visit? Do not hesitate to call our visitor hotline. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQs.

Symbol of a generic office building with several windows and a central entrance.
Messe München GmbH
  • LOPEC Visitor hotline