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Standards in printed and flexible electronics: why do they matter and how to get involved

01.03.2023 von 15:00 - 16:00

ICM Foyer

Sprache: Englisch

Vortragsart: Round Table


Organisations such as the IEC, SEMI and IPC play a key role in standardisation in the electronics industry, for whose further development and success standards are fundamental.

Why are standards so important in flexible and printed electronics and what does it take to develop them?

What do companies gain from participating in standardisation and what risks do they run if they do not?

Where does standardisation in flexible and printed electronics stand globally and where is it heading?

The LOPEC Round Table 2023 gives an overview of the ongoing standardisation activities and helps to find out what this means for manufacturers and users. The Round Table will also give visitors the opportunity to ask questions and talk to representatives from leading organisations
