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International expertise at LOPEC

The LOPEC Conference is the world's leading specialist Conference in the field of printed electronics. Its significance is not least reflected by the level of experience shared by the individual LOPEC boards. The members of these boards come from all over the world and work in a wide range of specialist fields.

LOPEC Conference Board

ChairNameCompany, Position

General Chair

Wolfgang Mildner

Founder and CEO

Business Conference Chair

Dr. Kerry Adams

Ventoux Ltd (UK), Director

Technical Conference Chair

Dr. Richard Price

PragmatIC Semiconductor Ltd. (UK), CTO

Scientific Conference Chair

Prof. em. Donald Lupo

Tampere University (FI)

Short Course Chair

Dr. Bertrand Fillon

CEA Tech (FR),
Vice President of European Affairs

Exhibition Chair

Andrea Glawe

KROENERT GmbH & Co KG (DE), Regional Sales Director

Technical Session Chairs

SessionNameCompany, Position

3D structural electronics

Prof. Jörg Franke

Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (DE),
Insitute for Factory Automation and Production Systems

Biomedical and healthcare applications

Dr. Giorgio Mutinati

AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology (AT), Project Manager

Circular economy and green electronics

Dr. Jérôme Gavillet

CEA-Liten (FR),
Printed Electronic Program Director

Energy generation & storage



User interfaces, Displays, and Lighting

Dr. Pälvi Apilo

Dr. Edzer Huitema

TactoTek Oy (FI)
Director, Foresight & Research

E Ink Corporation (US),

Functional materials

Dr. Carla Negele

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA (UK),
Head of Product Development Printed Electronics

Smart and hybrid systems

Dr. Jeroen van den Brand

Holst Centre (NL), Head Of Department – Printed Electronics

Wearables and smart textiles

Marina Toeters (NL),
Designer in Fashion Technology

Substrates and encapsulation

Dr. Manuel Gensler

Fraunhofer IAP (DE), Group Leader

Upscaling production and manufacturing processes

Dr. Juho Paavola

Lead Flexible electronics and photonics

Scientific Board

ChairNameCompany, Position

Scientific Conference Chair

Prof. em. Donald Lupo

Tampere University (FI)

Program Chair America

Dr. Chloe Bois

Printability and Graphic Communications Institute (CAN),
General Manager and NSERC Industrial Research Chair at ICI

Program Chair Asia & Oceania

Prof. Dongjin Lee

Konkuk University (KR)

Program Chair Europe

Dr. Barbara Stadlober

Joanneum Research (AT),
Head of Research Group

Short Course Chair

Dr. Bertrand Fillon

CEA Tech (FR),
Vice President of European Affairs

Scientific Board Members

NameInstitution, Position

Prof. Paul Berger

Ohio State University US), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and IEEE Fellow

Prof. Paul Blom

Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (DE),
Managing Director

Prof. Antonio Facchetti

Northwestern University Flexterra (US), Adjunct Professor Co-Founder and CTO

Prof. Jörg Franke

Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (DE),
Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems

Prof. Jong Min Kim

University of Oxford (UK)

Dr. Cheng-Chung Lee

Deputy General Director of Display Technology Center

Prof. Shlomo Magdassi

The Hebrew University (IL)

Prof. Yong-Young Noh

Dongguk University (KR),
Editor of IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
Associate Professor, Department of Energy & Materials Engineering

Dr. Henning Richter

Nano-C Inc. (US),
Vice President, Research and Development

Prof. Takao Someya

University of Tokyo (JP)

Dr. Eleni Stavrinidou

Linköping University (SE)
Senior Associate Professor of Bioengineering

Prof. Ronald Österbacka

Åbo Akademi (FI),
Full Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Physics Solutions for Health

Prof. Fabrizio Toricelli

University of Brescia (IT),
Associate Professor, Department of Information Engineering

Prof. Chang-Qi Ma

Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)
Professor, Division of Interdisciplinary Research

LOPEC Strategic Advisory Board

The Strategic Advisory Board represents our exhibitors. It helps us optimize LOPEC to meet the current needs of the market.

LOPEC Strategic Advisory Board