Wo stehen ausgewählte Produkte und Geschäftsfelder aktuell in ihrer Entwicklung? Erfahren Sie mehr auf der Technical Conference. Sie ist industrie- und anwendungsorientiert und fördert die Weiterentwicklung von Produkten und Geschäftsfeldern.

Die Themen der Technical Conference 2024

Smart and hybrid systems

Technical challenges of combining film-based electronics with discrete components for IoT applications. Topics include printed electronic components and systems, including interconnection technologies and integration methods, hybrid integration and sensing, and applications.

User interfaces, displays and lighting

User interfaces

Recent advancements and use cases on how printed, hybrid and structural electronics enables unique touch, gesture and haptic trends in human-machine interactions by creating smart, interactive surfaces in applications like automotive, home appliance, medical and others.


Materials and technologies for emerging flexible display applications, including novel emitters (OLED, QDs, perovskites, microLEDs), novel manufacturing routes, additional in-display functionality, and integration challenges in IoT, smart phone displays, TV screens and automotive displays.


Technologies and applications of (flexible) large-area lighting. We encourage the submission of original papers on all aspects of OLED and microLED research, engineering, evaluation and integration for future lighting applications.

Smart textiles and wearables

Recent progress, challenges, advances and use cases in materials and integration of various functionalities in textiles and the application of printed and flexible electronics for implementing wearable sensors and actuators in smart garments and wearable devices. Topics include the interconnection between soft and hard components, the advantages of textiles over other media, and use cases in close-to-body scenarios.

Energy generation and storage

Technologies for energy production, harvesting and storage, including thin-film photovoltaics (Organic solar cells, perovskites, CIGS (copper indium gallium selenide) and DSSC (dye-sensitized solar cell), thermoelectrics, thin-film batteries and supercapacitors.

Upscaling production and manufacturing processes

Challenges and advances in upscaling production, additive (e.g. printing) and heterogeneous manufacturing processes, including materials & processing issues, manufacturing reliability, inspection and quality control in production lines.

Biomedical and healthcare applications

Challenges and use cases of large area, printed or organic electronics in biomedical applications. This includes all applications in biomedical and healthcare such as sensors, diagnostic devices and wearable health patches that contain significant printed and flexible elements.

Functional materials

The “functional materials” session covers any novel material that can be used to create flexible electronics and functional surface applications. This entails latest enabling material solutions applicable to multiple types of surfaces, which provide unique features to allow simple surfaces to become smart as well as latest materials that are used to create or protect the surface itself.

Substrates and encapsulation

Next Generation Flexible Substrates and Encapsulation Materials and Technologies.

Circular economy and green electronics

Printed electronics processes, materials or/and products which highlight the contribution of our industry to the challenges of circular economy or define milestones by new green products, system concepts and business models.

3D structural electronics

Integration of electronics and other multi-physical functions onto structural elements e.g. via 3D printing, laser structuring, in-molding, thermoforming, or 3D MID and its application in mobile electronics, automotive, aerospace, medical devices, sensors and connectors, household appliances, wearables and clothing.

Technical Conference Chair

Dr. Richard Price, PragmatIC Semiconductor Ltd. (UK), CTO

Poster Presentations

Neben den mündlichen Vorträgen bieten wir auch Poster Presentations an. Das bedeutet, dass Sie anstelle eines Vortrags die wesentlichen Informationen auf einem A0-Poster an beiden Ausstellungstagen präsentieren können. Während der Poster Session am Mittwoch, 6. März 2024 von 18:00 bis 19:30 Uhr können Sie persönlich mit den Veranstaltungsteilnehmern kommunizieren und Fragen vor Ort beantworten.

Flexible and Printed Electronics™ Journal – Sonderausgabe

Zusätzlich kooperiert das LOPEC Scientific Board mit der wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift Flexible and Printed Electronics™ des IOP-Verlags. Geplant ist, eine Sonderausgabe zu veröffentlichen, deren Beiträge die auf der Messe präsentierten Forschungsergebnisse diskutieren. Vortragende auf der LOPEC haben damit die einmalige Möglichkeit, ihre Forschungsarbeiten in einer dedizierten Fachzeitschrift vorzustellen. Die Einreichungen müssen neue Forschungsergebnisse beinhalten, sind aber nicht auf die auf der LOPEC präsentierten Ergebnisse beschränkt. Alle eingereichten Artikel werden im Vorfeld begutachtet, um sicherzustellen, dass die Anforderungen von Flexible and Printed Electronics™ erfüllt sind.